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Intent for PE

At Newtown, we aim to ensure all children develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities. With engaging lessons and after-school clubs, increased flexibility, improved balance, and motor skills are just some of the skills our children will gain.

Children in KS1 and KS2 regularly engage in competitive sports/activities run by Sandwell School Games Organisers, which has enabled them to build character and help to embed core values such as resilience and respect.

The quality of teaching and learning of PE is monitored by lesson observations and pupil voice. Children at Newtown provide feedback on the enjoyment of lessons. Mariam, “I used to hate PE, but I enjoy it now.”


  • Children participate in high-quality PE lessons focusing on two sports per term.
  • Comprehensive, curriculum-aligned lesson content and a progressive scheme of work.
  • Classes follow the PE overview to ensure pupils participate in a variety of sports.
  • Children participate in a variety of competitive sports run by Sandwell School Games Organisers.
  • All classes take part in WOW - walk to school challenge, a pupil-led initiative where children self-report how they get to school every day, using the interactive WOW Travel Tracker.
  • Children attend swimming lessons in Year 4 and 5.


At Newtown we are proud of the range of extra-curricular activities that we offer to all of our pupils.  


During lunchtimes, pupils have access to a wide range of activities, ensuring they have a 'Happy Lunchtime'.





Year 5 and 6 Mixed Football at The WBA Dome

Sports for schools 
GB athletes who inspire kids

GB Olympic swimmer Joe Roebuck

Ten times British Champion, double Commonwealth silver medallist, double European medallist, and London 2012 Olympic semi-finalist at Newtown